Magazine de collection en anglais, de mars1991, Vol. 179 n°, 140 pages, format standard, en très bon état, carte incluse.
_Double map supplement:
The making of Canada/ Quebec
The splendors of Lechuguilla cave: With its immense chambers and astonishing formations, a recent find in New Mexico is the Grand Canyon of the underworld 26 pages
Dispatches from Eastern Europe: From the Baltic to the Black Sea, countries freed from decades of communist rule struggle toward democracy, amid outpourings of elation…and violence 32 pages
Montreal – heart of French Canada: Montrealers lead the movement for a separate Quebec. A “Making of Canada” map supplement traces the history of the province 26 pages
Eye to eye with the Giant Octopus: To dive with the Pacific giant octopus is to learn about a gentle creature that can weigh 50 pounds and is sa savvy as a house cat 12 pages
Along the Santa Fe trail: The 900-mile-long trail that served as meeting ground for Anglo, Hispanic, and Indian cultures in the 1800s thrives with new adventurers and preservationists 26 pages
The eloquent Surma of Ethiopia: A little-known pastoral people cling to The hard way to the Noth Pole: Crossing crevasses, pressure ridges, and open water, two Norwegian skiers reach the North Pole without being resupplied 11 pages
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Vol.179 n°3 march 1991 Splendors of Lechuguilla cave/ Dispatches from Eastern Europe/ Montreal + making of Canada: Quebec/ Along the Santa Fe trail
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