NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Vol.180 n°3 september 1991 A shameful harvest: America's illegal wildlife trade/ Germany reunited/ Medical donors/ Maya artistry NG VOL.180 N°3

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: magazine mythique qui vous fait vivre les expéditions, reportages exclusifs et programmes scientifiques de la National Geographic Society

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Livraison prévue : 21/02/2025




Magazine de collection en anglais, de septembre 1991, Vol. 180 n°3, 138 pages, format standard, en très bon état, carte incluse, voir photos.




America’s illegal wildlife trade. Seeking trophy heads, souvenirs, and profits, poachers are attacking our country’s wild animal populations. Undercover operations catch a few violators, but the siege threatens to become a slaughter 27 pages


The morning after: Germany reunited. Wrenched apart after World War II, Germany is again one nation. But the mergerof diverse political and economic systems is challenging the ingenuity of the German people 38 pages + a tale of two families 4 pages + A double supplement map highlights historical and cultural attractions

All eyes on jumping spiders: They leap on unsuspecting prey in midair. They boast see-all panoramic vision. They are the remarkable jumping spiders, one of the most colorful and acrobatic families of arachnids 22 pages

A new kind of kinship: Organ and tissue donors save thousands of lives each year and make possible innovative research aimed at combating disease. But demand is great, and more donors are urgently sought 30 pages

Maya artistry unearthed: beneath pyramid ruins at Copán in Honduras, temples yield offerings unseen for 1400 years, including clay figurines and flaked stonework of incomparable craftsmanship 12 pages



Les avis sur le produit NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Vol.180 n°3 september 1991 A shameful harvest: America's illegal wildlife trade/ Germany reunited/ Medical donors/ Maya artistry

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NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Vol.180 n°3 september 1991 A shameful harvest: America's illegal wildlife trade/ Germany reunited/ Medical donors/ Maya artistry
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