NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Vol.182 n°1 July 1992 Mountain Lions/ Gulf of Mexico/ Trobriand Islands/ Albania opens up/ Marine organisms NG VOL.182 N°1

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: magazine mythique qui vous fait vivre les expéditions, reportages exclusifs et programmes scientifiques de la National Geographic Society

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Livraison prévue : 20/02/2025




Magazine de collection en anglais, de juillet 1992, Vol. 182 n°1, 140 pages, format standard, en très bon état ( marques mineures : un petit accro sur le dos sous un sticker), voir photos.




Mountain Lions: These elusive cats once ranged across the U.S. Decimated by overhunting and vanishing habitat, only 30 to 50 remain in the East. But in the West, mountain lions are making a comeback 28 pages


America’s third coast: Arching along the Gulf of Mexico from the Everglades to the Rio Grande, 1,600 miles of U.S. coastline juxtaposes fragile salt marsh and heavy industry, condominiums and empty beaches 36 pages

Albania opens the door: Europe’s poorest country has emerged from nearly five decades of forced isolation under a repressive dictatorship. Now it must struggle to catch up 28 pages

Pillar of life: As a magnet draws fillings, a wharf piling in the Chesapeake Bay attracts a bizarre multitude of marine organisms – from sea horses to shipworms 22 pages

The spell of Trobriand islands: Living in apparent bliss, the Trobrianders of papua New Guinea deflect the outside world with mocking indifference. But how long will the magic last? 19 pages









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NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Vol.182 n°1 July 1992 Mountain Lions/ Gulf of Mexico/ Trobriand Islands/ Albania opens up/ Marine organisms
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