"The Penguin book of English Verse" Edited by John Hayward/ Good condition/ Medium size paperback 9780140585254

Thèmes: littérature anglaise, recueil de poèmes, anthologie, poésie, plus grands auteurs de langue anglaise, sonnets, Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, John Donne, Ben Johnson, William Wordsworth, John Keats, Alexander Pope, Lord tennyson, Longfellow, Walt Whitman, Emily Brontë, Robert Browning, Thomas Hardy, William Butler Yeats, William Blake, Henri David Thoreau, Edgar Allan Poe

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Livraison prévue : 24/02/2025


"The Penguin book of English Verse" Edited by John Hayward/ Good condition/ Medium size paperback


Résumé :

Spanning four golden centuries of poetry in the English language. This classic Penguin anthology opens with Wyatt, Spenser and Shakespeare and concludes with Dylan Thomas. Along the way – in a kind of royal progress from the reign of the first Elizabeth to that of the second – it takes in metaphysical poetry, romantic poetry and war poetry; verse by the great Americans such as Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost; love songs and lyrics, odes, sonnets and elegies. It contains, altogether, the richest and most delightful poetry written in the English language.


Thèmes: littérature anglaise, recueil de poèmes, anthologie, poésie, plus grands auteurs de langue anglaise, sonnets, Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, John Donne, Ben Johnson, William Wordsworth, John Keats, Alexander Pope, Lord tennyson, Longfellow, Walt Whitman, Emily Brontë, Robert Browning, Thomas Hardy, William Butler Yeats, William Blake, Henri David Thoreau, Edgar Allan Poe

Langage : Français


Infos complémentaires:

Editeur : Penguin

Dimensions: broché moyen format (in-8)

Nb Pages: 484

Poids: 360g

Date : 1956

Etat: Livre en bon état: texte intact, pages un peu jaunies, couverture en bon état, léger pli dans les coins). Envoi sous emballage protecteur.



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"The Penguin book of English Verse" Edited by John Hayward/ Good condition/ Medium size paperback
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